Legal notice

This website (hereinafter the “Site”) was created by RPK S.COOP (hereinafter, (the “Company”) as a web Portal aiming to offer users general access to information, activities and services of the organization and as an online platform for []. Likewise, and in compliance with Article 10 of Spanish Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services for the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE) here is the data regarding corporate identification of the Company:

Please read this Legal Notice carefully and in the event that you do not agree with all or part of the conditions established in this Legal Notice for the use of the Site, please exit the Site immediately and refrain from using it in the future.

It is an essential requirement to access this Site and participate in the different sections of the site that You first read and accept this Legal Notice.

1. User Terms and Conditions User login and password.

The use of the Portal attributes the condition of Portal user (hereinafter the “User”) and implies the acceptance of all the conditions included in this section on Privacy. The provision of this Portal service has a duration limited to the moment in which the User is connected to the Portal or any of the Services offered through this.

Some Portal services accessible to Internet users may be subject to special conditions, regulations and instruction which, in the event, substitute, complete and/or modify this Legal Notice and which should be accepted by the User before starting to use the respective service.

The User provided with a user name and password to access a specific section agrees to look after these and use them with the due diligence. The use of the password is personal and non-transferable, and any transfer, even temporarily, to third parties is not permitted. This means that the User should take the necessary measures to protect the password they have selected, preventing it being used by third parties. As a consequence, the User is the only party responsible for any use made of their password, with no liability for the Company. In the event that the User knows or suspects the use of their password by third parties they should inform the Site as soon as possible.

2. Site Usage.

The User agrees to use this site in compliance with the law, ethics, generally accepted good manners, current public order and that established in this Legal Notice. In particular, the User is obliged to refrain from using it with inappropriate purposes, detrimental to the Company’s rights and interests, or to third parties and likewise is obliged to not use it in any way that might damage, render useless, overload or deteriorate the Site or impede its normal use.

The Company may deny or withdraw at any moment, and with no need for prior notice, access to the Site by those Users not fulfilling that set out in this Legal Notice.

3. Exemption of liability

Although the Company takes all reasonable effort to guarantee that the information available on this Site is updated and that the Site is always available, it cannot ensure that this information is always up-to-date and error-free, or that there is rapid uninterrupted access to the Site. In particular, but without this statement being exhaustive, the Company denies any liability in the following cases:

4. Updates.

The Company may, at any time and with no prior notice, modify the presentation and configuration of the Site, and this Legal Notice and Privacy policy. These modifications will be published on the Site such that the User may know about them before proceeding to use them. Users should observe any instructions established by the Company on its Site and through duly authorized staff.

5. Compensation.

The User will be liable for any damage of any kind that the Company may suffer as a consequence of the user not complying with any of the obligations established in this Legal Notice. Similarly, the User will be liable to the Company for any sanction, claim or legal action initiated by a third party, including any public bodies, against the Company, powers of attorney or employees as a consequence of any infringement on third-party rights or of any regulations applicable by the user regarding their use of the Site in any way contravening this Legal Notice.


6. Industrial and intellectual property.

The industrial and intellectual property rights for all the contents, distinguishing signs, graphic design, as well as the layout, selection, organization and presentation of the information, the software and in general any material used on this Site belong to the Company or in the case to the licensors. The User recognizes that access to the Site does not grant them regarding these industrial or intellectual property rights any other rights except for their use in accordance with the conditions set out in this Legal Notice.

Users may not reproduce, transform, modify, dismantle, reverse engineer, distribute, lease, loan, make available or permit access to, by any type of public communication, any of the elements referred to above, except in the event that this has the prior written consent of the Company of the respective holders of these rights. Similarly, the User is obliged to not use for commercial purposes, either directly or indirectly, the materials, elements and information obtained from the Site.


7. Links to third-party sites.

The Site may contain links to online sites and pages managed by third parties. The inclusion of these links does not imply that the Company recommends or approves the content, and the Company accepts no liability for the services, data, files, products, materials, and any other type of existing content appearing on these online sites or pages accessible through links nor is it in any way obliged to monitor this content. The Company will not be held liable under any circumstances for the legality of the content of these pages and the third party is exclusively liable for all concerned with the content of this link, especially regarding the law, ethics, good manners or public order. The existence of links does not imply any involvement of any type between the Company and the owner of the site linked to.


8. Personal data protection.

The User should read and agree to the Privacy policy for the personal data on this Site.


9. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction.

For any conflicts that may arise due to the application of these regulations will be Spanish law is to apply and likewise these will be submitted with the renunciation to their own jurisdiction to the Tribunals and in the case of consumers to the respective Tribunals established by the Law.

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